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Brand Mascot Design, Illustration, and Graphic Design

Ackerly Green Publishing

About the Brand

modern magic for a children's book publisher

Drawn from the world building and mythology created by CJ Bernstein for his book series, we produced a number of smaller designed items for fans that could be purchased through the Ackerly Green store, and shared on the forums. Projects include tote bags, buttons, social media artwork, business cards, and a revival of the brand mascot: Herman the Hippocampus.

The largest and most varied library of character designs for Herman fall decidedly within the Noisy Ghost “cute” style. At the request of Ackerly Green, we produced some twenty to thirty variations for Herman the Hippocampus, playing with style, position, and structure until we got him just right. From there, we added a cute, stuffed version of King Bunny, and adjusted the structure to put Herman in different poses.

Graphic Design Samples

ackerly green publishing

from our portfolio

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